The Natural Park of Las Lagunas de Ruidera is a protected natural area located in the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
The Park is formed by a set of fifteen lagoons, of extreme beauty, located longitudinally along the valley of the Pinilla or Guadiana Viejo River, separated and connected to each other by barriers of tuffaceous or travertine formation, forming waterfalls or streams that link each upper lagoon with the next lower one; so they are not gaps, strictly speaking, but fluvial "backwaters". The Peñarroya reservoir is also part of the natural park.
Within the limits of the park are also the castle of Peñarroya, the ruins of the castle of Rochafrida, the cave of Montesinos where Cervantes spent one night to Don Quixote and the house of the King in the town of Ruidera.
The natural park is distributed among the municipalities of Ruidera that has 4 of the 15 lagoons, Argamasilla de Alba, Alhambra and Villahermosa of the regions of La Mancha and Campo de Montiel in the province of Ciudad Real and Ossa de Montiel de la region of the Sierra de Alcaraz and Campo de Montiel in the Albacete. The latter has 11 of the 15 lagoons. This happens because the Laguna Colgada is divided by the provincial limit being half in the province of Ciudad Real and its other half in the province of Albacete.
Following the upward course of the waters, the lagoons have the following names:
Reservoir of Peñarroya (C.Real)
Cenagosa (C.Real)
Coladilla (C.Real)
Morenilla Cave (C.Real)
Del Rey (C.Real)
Hanging (C.Real / Albacete)
Batana (Albacete)
Santos Morcillo (Albacete)
Salvadora (Albacete)
Language (Albacete)
Redondilla (Albacete)
San Pedro (Albacete)
Tinaja (Albacete)
Tomilla (Albacete)
Councilman (Albacete)
Blanca (C.Real)